Youtube Poop

Funny and creative edits on YouTube. Most people think the source is limited to CDI cutscenes, but often people use things like SpongeBob SquarePants, movies and adult shows. I've attempted at making some YouTube Poops, and it takes a lot of work. They are widely hated because of the bad ones that seem to be the most popular. Good YTPs often include changing sentences in creative ways to create a story or joke, making pinpoint edits and repeating them, changing pitch frequencies and speed to create funny and unexpected sounds and having characters like SpongeBob rob banks or shoot people. Bad YTPs are often too morbid or use dinner, wegee or other meme replacements
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Youtube Poop. Some of the top words include: intarweb, funnay, nrn, RedMonkey, bleep, and 25 more.